Yoghurt popsicles

November 11, 2010 (Last Updated: January 11, 2019)
Yoghurt popsicles recipe

You can use any flavour of yoghurt. Smooth yoghurt works better as those containing fruit pieces become too icy.

Yoghurt popsicles

Serves: 6
Cooking Time: 1 hr + overnight for freezing


  • 250g strawberry yoghurt
  • 250g blueberry yoghurt
  • 250g granadilla yoghurt



You will need 6 popsicle moulds. Pour strawberry yoghurt into each mould up to a third full. Freeze for 30 minutes.


Remove the popsicles from the freezer and pour in blueberry yoghurt, up to two-thirds full. Freeze again for 30 minutes.


Top the popsicles up with granadilla yoghurt, push in an ice-cream stick and freeze overnight before serving.

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