12 tips for a stress-free holiday season

December 8, 2022

More and more South Africans choose to keep their cool as the party season hots up.

Diaries are filling up and while this time of the year is still all about getting out and having fun, recent studies show a rise in hybrid partying, and that a growing number of South Africans are looking for a healthy, great-tasting and sophisticated alcohol substitute.

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In his 2022 thesis, Markus Filter notes that this shift can be credited to “health-consciousness and a greater focus on wellness and mental well-being, particularly by Generation Y consumers”.

Lulie Halstead, CEO of global market research and strategy consultancy Wine Intelligence, told delegates at the Nedbank Vinpro Information Day in January 2022 that Millennial and Gen Z South Africans are driving the trend towards drinking in moderation.

Add those segments of the population together, and that’s a lot of people looking for a great tasting alternative.

Filter notes that Gen Y consumers “place importance on how they appear to others” and “purchase certain products, in this case, beverages, as a form of self-expression”. Taste, he found, was the “significantly more important” consideration for respondents when choosing a drink.

The challenges these consumers face in finding a non-alcoholic drink to meet these needs include “a lack of awareness, a lack of availability, a lack of appeal to male consumers and a general stigma attached to not drinking alcohol”.

The good news 

Along with the trend towards moderation in alcohol consumption comes global interest in the benefits of THC-free CBD. There IS a healthy and delicious, home-grown solution for those who prefer to abstain completely or occasionally with non-alcoholic drinks that still align with their youth, their vibe and their personal choices.

Goodleaf sparkling CBD drinks are made with pure water, botanical flavours and no calories or sugar. The 100% naturally sourced flavours include peach & geranium, berry & hibiscus and mango. They are vegan and halaal certified, and independently verified to contain no additives, artificial flavouring or colourants, and no residual solvents, heavy metals or pesticides. 

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Plus, the packaging is as green as the source ingredients. “We’re committed to finding the most environmentally conscious solution at every step of our process to ensure our products are as wholesome to the planet as they are to the consumer,” says Troy Squires, Head of Marketing for Goodleaf Beverages.

“As part of our sustainability journey, we switched from a single-use plastic bottle to an aluminium can. The new Goodleaf can, as well as all of the outer packaging, is 100% recyclable. Now that’s refreshing. Every can is packaged with a (completely recyclable) foil seal.” 

Did you say “CBD” – will I get high when I drink this?

Absolutely not. Goodleaf drinks are made from non-GMO cannabis – with laboratory precision used to removal all THC – the compound that provides a high. In South Africa, selling THC products is illegal.

“While non-intoxicating, these THC-free CBD drinks provide a sense of balance, chill and focus – perfectly suited to any occasion. Its sparkling goodness is guaranteed to refresh and reinvigorate body and mind, and leave you feeling, well, pretty awesome.”

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Why wait for 01.01.23?

You don’t have to save those resolutions for the new year. Here are 12 tips from Goodleaf on how to take it slow this holiday season whilst working on an evolving, better you: 

  • Make a list of priorities
  • Budget your holiday finances
  • Make time to exercise or meditate
  • Find time for self-care and do something that you enjoy or will make you happy
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Avoid the hustle and bustle of the festive madness
  • Buy local this season
  • Create something homemade – whether it’s Christmas tree decorations or cookies
  • Implement tech-free time during your day – spend some time unwired
  • Alternate alcohol with non-alcoholic cocktails, hot cocoa and sparkling drinks instead
  • Most important: Be yourself and bring your own vibe to the festive season. It’s easier to be yourself than someone else.

ALSO SEE: Marrakech-inspired tashas café arrives in Pretoria

Marrakech-inspired tashas café arrives in Pretoria

Issued on behalf of Goodleaf by TINKWE Communications

Feature image supplied by TINKWE Communication

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