Granadilla possets with coconut yoghurt

August 3, 2022 (Last Updated: August 1, 2022)
granadilla possets

Luscious, creamy and with a tangy kick, these granadilla possets will surely delight your taste buds…and they only take a mere 15 minutes to prep!

Granadilla possets with coconut yoghurt

HANDS-ON TIME 15 min | TOTAL TIME 1 hr 15 min | SERVES 4


  • 250 ml double-thick cream
  • 250 ml cream
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup granadilla juice
  • 2 tbsp lime juice


  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2–3 granadillas, juice removed
  • ½ cup coconut yoghurt


COMBINE the cream and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the sugar has dissolved, lower the heat and simmer for another 2 minutes.

REMOVE from the heat and stir in the granadilla and lime juice. Pour into 4 glasses and let sit for 10 minutes.

SET for 1 hour in the fridge or overnight.


PLACE the sugar and granadilla juice in a small saucepan; heat until sugar has completely dissolved. Allow to cool.

SERVE the granadilla possets with a spoonful of the granadilla coulis and top with a swirl of coconut yoghurt.


Tip from the team: The acidic granadilla and lime juices react with the warm cream to sets these granadilla possets. 


Granadilla possets with coconut yoghurt

Serves: 4
Prep Time: 15 min Total Time: 1 hour 15 min


  • 250 ml double-thick cream
  • 250 ml cream
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup granadilla juice
  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2–3 granadillas, juice removed
  • ½ cup coconut yoghurt



COMBINE the cream and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the sugar has dissolved, lower the heat and simmer for another 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir in the granadilla and lime juice. Pour into 4 glasses and let sit for 10 minutes.


SET for 1 hour in the fridge or overnight.



PLACE the sugar and granadilla juice in a small saucepan; heat until sugar has completely dissolved. Allow to cool.


SERVE the possets with a spoonful of the granadilla coulis and top with a swirl of coconut yoghurt.


Tip from the team: The acidic granadilla and lime juices react with the warm cream to sets these puddings

Made this recipe? Tag us @foodandhomesa #cookingwithFH on Instagram


ALSO SEE: Granadilla & lime colada cake

Granadilla & lime colada cake

ALSO SEE: Yoghurt panna cotta with mango & granadilla jelly

Yoghurt panna cotta with mango and granadilla jelly


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